project week...there is a lot to say but it's not possible to express everything. We left Duino. You cannot imagine how good feeling it is (sometimes). Sometimes is Duino just too small for me, still the same people, same atmosphere, same problems, school...everything in one cycle. I like that cycle, people here (most of them) but then suddenly came the feeling that you are living in one small bubble completely out of the world. In this moment I love to go somewhere, just to Trieste, Monfalcone, but somewhere, just not stay here.
Ok back to the project week. We left and I am not saying that without problems. Lior lost his passport and he had to stay in Viena, Julian stayed there with him one more day. But finally most of us arrived to Prague.We found the place where we were suppose to live and really great week start.
This week was full of preparing little performence to the hospitals, but also a lot of fun, going around the Prague (little bit of drinking czech bear -c'moooooon it's part of the cultural understanding) etc....
We made five performences and they were kind of OK...probably little bit unusual for czech people. How often can you meet someone from Indonesia dancing in the national costume their traditional dance???
Well I have to say that for me was thos week little bit different...just the possibility see family friends, after birthday. Be at home, visit grandmother. It was simply awesome!!!!!!!!
Everybody here are really jelous....
And this week gave me a lot, firstly it gave me back some feeling of stability, harmony and don't ask me why...actually I have no clue, but now I feel here much much comfortable. It gave me a wonderful memories, and it conect the world of college with my home. I don't have any more that strong feeling of two worlds in which I am living. Maybe it will come back (I suppose) but....not now...
Ok and now what happend after Projec week. When we came back, I slept nearly whole Sunday. And on Monday the school start. Everything again kind of same, most of us were still tired from Project week...yeeehhh it's normal to be more tired after one week of holidays isn't it?
On Monday were speeches of candidates to the position of student representative...and I am not gonna speak about it becauce I don't won't to be negative....
And the week was passing so always. On Friday we had a model conference of MUN. All first years had to come and represent some country in different councils. I was representing China in council of Human development. We were discussing two different issues. Poverty on Haiti and question if abortion should be a human rights protected by MUN.
All of us had to were formal dress, we had to use formal english and following the formal procedure. We had six hours for discussing this issues and truthfully we did not solve eánythind. It just show me how hard it is to reach some solution...really hard. Everybody try to point out their own ideas about issues problems etc....and there was not enough time to speach about everything...but is was really interesting experience...
well and that's nearly everything, after MUN weekend came and I started by doing nothing, watching a movie with my seconda and her roomates (Words war) and talking with friends...on saturday we were preparing our yearbook page ( deadline was thursday :) and we finish that and then I was again doing nothing (to school)...just talking. Sometimes it's more important (at least for me) to spent some time with friend then have finished all of my school works and lab reports. Why to do just school stuff???I am not machine...I need time and really sometimes I had here the feeling that I can fill my whole free time by doing school, yes then I will have wonderful grades and maybe I will be accepted to the wondefrul university...but where is the point of this when it would not make me happy????
OK that's enough for today. I don't wonna make you bored... :) by my thoughts...
so now few pictures from project week and MUN....
Saskia in the train to the Viena

Julian in the train

Clever Ana-Marija is sleeping in the train :)

While some people are doing crazy stuff (Julia :)
After a long traveling we finally arrived to Prague and we saw this wonderful Prague castle :)
We went to the Žižkovska věž to see the night Prague (up, from lefr - Saskia, Flora, Evita, Valentine, down - me)
Night Prague
All of us (Viena)

Preparing of the show (everybody tired but still working thanks to all of you) (Valentine, Saskia, Giuseppe, Margherita, Natasha in background, Evita)
Another lovely picture of night Prague - Charles bridge :)
Val in her national costume :)
Julia when she is serious
Evita and Valentine :)
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And finally me....I have a lot of pictures, but it is impossible to post all of them here. So I hope that you like my selection.... ALORA VA BENE, HAVE A NICE DAY :)