Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
the day after

after one day is coming another (hopefully---but it is pretty obvious....i after orange day another came....and here it is...shouting..eeeeejjj guys it's me....what i am and why i have to die in 24 hours? 23?22? i don't want to die yet...
and next day is always beggining with darkness of the night but we just tend to see the sunrises
Sunday, June 11, 2006
orange day

Orange is the best colour....that's for sure...if you dissagree I don't care : )
and today is the International Orange Day so I am celebrating by these amazing pictures....
enjoy my dears....
missing all of you whom I don't see
and i know that some of those pictures are kitsch but one more time...I don't care i like them....
orange is the queen of all the colours (but black is amazing as well... : )
Thursday, June 08, 2006
news from my world
Today morning i was feeling sooo creative….and i wanted to share my ideas with the whole world reading this blog ( neerly equal to zero if you také the amount of people and compare it with word population….)…. But anyway i didn’t want to talk about that…
I wanted to say how the world is againt original people…
Because on my screen appeared this amazing message:
Down for Maintenance
Blogger is temporarily unavailable due to an unexpected problem.
We will be back up as soon as possible.
Update (2:20 pm PDT): We are fixing a database issue. We hope to be back up in a couple of hours.
I wanted to say how the world is againt original people…
Because on my screen appeared this amazing message:
Down for Maintenance
Blogger is temporarily unavailable due to an unexpected problem.
We will be back up as soon as possible.
Update (2:20 pm PDT): We are fixing a database issue. We hope to be back up in a couple of hours.
Isn’t it wonderful....or sad??? Who knows where is the line.... : )
So now are coming some amazing news from my life....i love my past week i had at least ten amazing dialogues..which were occuring approximately in this way:
“Ouh Hi.....ehm, ehm... Dominika (with the question mark on the end) are you?”
“Well life is going amazingly fine I am really excited about existing....(with excited smile)”
“Wow that’s great...and how is your life in America?”
“Amazing...but the one in Italy is great as well...”
“It doesn’t matter.....I love NY ...: ) “
“Hi ....ehm ehm ehm....(nothing because they don’t remember my name any more)”
“Good afternoon, morning evening /choose what you like the most I don’t care about that kind of details”
“So what are you”
“I have my holidays and I am working”
“Where???What kind of job so you have?? (with the face expecting something exciting..)”
“ Well I am washing is really hard to find job...” (with totaly serious voice)
“Really that’s so sad...this world.....etc....( a long speach blaming the goverment and everyone else...)”
“ actually i am not washing the cars...i get a job in profesional labs....the department of trascript regulation”
“Of what?”
“Genetics” (in very confident voice enjoying the neighbours confused face)
“Really that’s great” (with soooo fake smile then even the most stupid elephant would run away)
“ No i am washing the cars....have a nice day...” (leaving with satisfactory feeling of making people least they will have something to talk about...)
Some time ago i thought that I found the aim of my life...I was really tired, confused and sad by all the things happening around (that’s usual??? Noooooo) ans especially about mine relationships to the lower and worse version of the humanoid-like being (well what you expect they were made first and the first version is always the worst) = men....
So i decided for really simply method of making all relationships let’s set up the premises:
It is hard (maybe impossible or just not probable) to make all people to like you.
when you are confused you want to find something clear
so you decided to make it clear
if is not possible to make the relationspihs clear in positive way think about the negative one
then the moment which i call mental piff came....
and i can conclude:
If i want to make all relationships clear the best thing is make everyone to hate me...
That’s easier...not easy but easier....people tend to the negative is just necessary to be bitchy enough....
That’s my new theory....
And since today i have firts mission supporting that theory...
I love tears....but i already got too tired to produce them by is taking too much energy...and i hate the feeling of salt around my
The mission number one is to be cruel to the other poeple to make them to produce the tears for me...
And you would be surprised it works perfectly well....
Sometimes you don’t have to even use your intelligence...just him them really paintfully and they start cry....but the mental destroying is even is bringing me more satisfaction....
Because it is nearly fully developing my inletect....
And one important message....if you want to cry just call the number +4205610956 i will be there waiting to help you to cry more....don’t worry...
Monday, June 05, 2006
"Jen se nedotýkat vzpomínek myslím, si občas, a to už bývá příliš pozdě. Bolest je cejch na holé kůži. Zůstávají znamení. Chvíli se chovají zdánlivě tiše. A potom najednou, bez zjevného důvodu, třeb jen po něžném dotyku, začnou zase bolet a ty víš přesně, co jsi cítil, když ti cejch vypálili. Později, mnohem později se bolest vrací s mrazivým chladem. Vytváří předivo jemných, ledových kanálků. Tříští srdce."
"Jen se nedotýkat vzpomínek myslím, si občas, a to už bývá příliš pozdě. Bolest je cejch na holé kůži. Zůstávají znamení. Chvíli se chovají zdánlivě tiše. A potom najednou, bez zjevného důvodu, třeb jen po něžném dotyku, začnou zase bolet a ty víš přesně, co jsi cítil, když ti cejch vypálili. Později, mnohem později se bolest vrací s mrazivým chladem. Vytváří předivo jemných, ledových kanálků. Tříští srdce."
Friday, June 02, 2006
from my mind
the days are passing....quickly, sometimes slowly...but passing...
already one week away from duino...five day in prague..home..
the mirrors were destroyed an the time of putting them together came, the blind dance in the darkness of unknown and the knives are falling down from the sky, prepared to hurt anyone
there is eternal sky above, when you speak it is silent, when you are silent it speaks...
the sentences are coming to my mind..randomly...
maybe not randomly...there are reasons, and my brain is working, the heat and fume is coming out of this weird machine, like from broken car and I am waiting when someone is gonna take me to the autoservice, but none is around, none see the there is no other possibility than put the enqine on and go....
and that's how the life is going...always....
i found out that i feel like from different planet...talking to the mornig i had really nice was interesting...well but probably not for made me think a bit...
i have the feeling that i am thinking sometimes too is easier not to do it...but i cannot stop that...and honestly i don't want...
i just need time...for everything but i am not doing anything....
another paradox in this world....
i want to do a lot and i am not doing anything
i want to shout and scream and i am sitting quietly
i want to move and i am running on one place in a circle
i want to draw and the paper is blank
i want to live and i am slowly dying since i was born
already one week away from duino...five day in prague..home..
the mirrors were destroyed an the time of putting them together came, the blind dance in the darkness of unknown and the knives are falling down from the sky, prepared to hurt anyone
there is eternal sky above, when you speak it is silent, when you are silent it speaks...
the sentences are coming to my mind..randomly...
maybe not randomly...there are reasons, and my brain is working, the heat and fume is coming out of this weird machine, like from broken car and I am waiting when someone is gonna take me to the autoservice, but none is around, none see the there is no other possibility than put the enqine on and go....
and that's how the life is going...always....
i found out that i feel like from different planet...talking to the mornig i had really nice was interesting...well but probably not for made me think a bit...
i have the feeling that i am thinking sometimes too is easier not to do it...but i cannot stop that...and honestly i don't want...
i just need time...for everything but i am not doing anything....
another paradox in this world....
i want to do a lot and i am not doing anything
i want to shout and scream and i am sitting quietly
i want to move and i am running on one place in a circle
i want to draw and the paper is blank
i want to live and i am slowly dying since i was born